Guest Blogging

We encourage & welcome guest blogging

If you have an especially-happy marriage, feel free to submit a guest blog post on this website. If it is entertaining enough & fits in with the style of the rest of the blog, we will post it on this website.


Here are the guidelines:

  • 300 – 500 words
  • Entertaining story. Could be marriage tips and/or marriage story. I’d prefer a captivating very short story about a problem encountered during marriage & how it was resolved.
  • Hyperlink. In the last line of your article, you may include a link to your own blog
  • Family friendly. Don’t include anything that you would not want your grandmother, etc. to read.
  • Powerful headline. A headline can determine whether or not a person will read your post. We want headlines that have a CoSchedule Headline Analyzer score of at least 70. For guidance on writing powerful headlines, see Headline Analyzer & also 180+ Power Words.
  • Focus keyword. Tell us your focus keyword. That is a word or a two-word combination that is included in your main heading, first paragraph & several places within the article.
  • First paragraph. The first paragraph must be entertaining enough to draw the people in and make them want to finish the article.
  • Submit your article. You can submit your article by filling in the form below.
  • Photos. If we feel like your article is entertaining enough & fits into the style of this blog, we will email you and ask if you can attach photos by return email. Make sure you do not send photos that belong to someone else. I read about a lawyer who specializes in suing people who use unauthorized photographs.                                                                                   If your photos are inadequate in our opinion, we may add our own.
  • SEO. We may edit your article to make sure it is search engine optimized.
  • Author’s name. Tell us how you would like us to present the guest post’s author. It will have a photo about one line high together with Guest Post by Your Name.
  • Blog-writing tips.

Your Post

Please write an article of 300 - 500 words in the space below.