Commitment, a Secret to Simplifying & Enriching Your Marriage

My thoughts on commitment As I was thinking about how to write a blog post about commitment, I became aware of a truth. Unconsciously my wife & I  had decided to be totally committed to our marriage. By doing so we were really simplifying our job of creating a happy marriage. We knew we were in… Continue reading Commitment, a Secret to Simplifying & Enriching Your Marriage

Conflict, How to Solve a Big One When It Happens

Hurtful words In my wife’s defence, I say that EVERYONE occasionally says things they should not have. Sometime our minds can’t think of things fast enough. Brains can’t think of the ramifications of EVERYTHING. Yesterday she said something that caused a big conflict in my mind. She said, “____________.” (You fill in the blank with… Continue reading Conflict, How to Solve a Big One When It Happens

Categorized as forgive, love

Empathy, Using It to Create a Beautiful Marriage

Vicariously experience what is happening Understanding how empathy fits into a marriage can profoundly increase your quality of life. Here’s the‘s definition of Empathy — the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives a better understanding of the word. It says we experience the feelings vicariously without… Continue reading Empathy, Using It to Create a Beautiful Marriage

Forgiving, a Secret for Improving Your Marriage

Lots of forgiving If you’ve read the very first 3 or 4 posts in this blog, you may be assuming that my wife & I had a near-perfect marriage from the beginning. Not so. We married as two people with slightly different value systems and different mindsets. Forgiving one another for offences played a huge… Continue reading Forgiving, a Secret for Improving Your Marriage

Intimate, an Important Adjective to Describe Each Spouse

3 biggest problems If you have a problem with being intimate, consider this: A social worker once told me that people having huge problems in marriage are having problems with Money Sex or Communication. So, it follows that it is best to figure out how to solve those problems including the sex one. An intimate… Continue reading Intimate, an Important Adjective to Describe Each Spouse


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